Buffet Service Buffet Service This is also called self service and is This is also called self service and is normally used in banquet functions and i n some normally used in banquet functions and i n some restaurants. Food is attractively arranged on a long restaurants. Food is attractively arranged on a long table, classified and arranged according to proper table, classified and arranged according to proper sequence, from appetizers to desserts. Soup is placed sequence, from appetizers to desserts. Soup is placed on a soup tureen and the hot entrees in chaffing dishes on a soup tureen and the hot entrees in chaffing dishes to keep them warm. Some equipment like dinner plates to keep them warm. Some equipment like dinner plates and saucers are laid down right on the buffet table. and saucers are laid down right on the buffet table. Instead of the waiter serving the guests, the guests go Instead of the waiter serving the guests, the guests go to the buffet table pick up plates, china, cutlery and to the buffet table pick up plates, china, cutlery and napkin and all other items and serve themselves of napkin and all other items and serve themselves of their own choice. their own choice.