It’s Jian Feng Han. He unexpectedly reached level 45 and temporary surpassed Yan Zhao to occupy the top spot in Ba Huang City’s Leaderboard!
Everyone turns to look and sees that Jian Feng Han is not alone. Simple and Fushen Moren of the [Vanguard] guild are there too. They escort Jian Feng Han as if he was the king of Ba Huang City!
Jian Feng Han walks forward. On his back is a glowing purple sword. It is the Purple ranked Heavenly Plan sword. A smile appears on his face: “Brother Xiao Yao, long time no see…. ”
I see him and calmly smile: “Didn’t you kill me yesterday? How can you say ‘long time no see’….”
He wrinkles his nose and continues smiling: “This is the [Proud Heaven Axe] right? How much are you selling it?”
I think for a second: “If [Vanguard] wants to buy it. It costs 4000G and not a copper coin less!”
Jian Feng Han hesitates as he tries to restrain his anger.
Behind him, Simple walks up while carrying her staff. She laughs and says: “Okay. 4000G it is then. I will go to [Treasure Grove] to buy some gold coins. You wait here for a bit!”
I nod: “Ok!”