In conclusion, I think human reproductive cloning is impermissible. There are disadvan-tages in general. If we would apply intensive counselling against the false belief in genetic
determinism, the following issues remain: Currently, the procedure would be expensive, it would require a lot of patience and time and there is a risk for the woman to whom the embryo is transferred involved. In my opinion, these factors do not carry any ultimate weight which could never be outweighed. If human cloning could satisfy a reasonable need of society, then it could be permissible. However, I do not think that any of the applications suggested so far is able to meet this demand. The application which I dis-cussed in this essay, namely to establish a biological connection to the children of infertile people, is probably not motivated on solid grounds - cross-cultural studies show that also non-genetic parents are able to provide good care for their children. In addition to that, this application would lead to a reduction in the number of adopted children and thus cause harm. Therefore, as long as no other applications are suggested, I judge human reproductive cloning to be impermissible.
Does my result show that human reproductive cloning will never be permissible? Quite obviously, it does not. Future research could make the procedure easier, cheaper and it could reduce risks. Furthermore, new possible applications could emerge in future con-texts. Thus, although I believe that human reproductive cloning is impermissible under the current circumstances, the future may reveal new factors which require reconsideration of the issue