Zamzam water: a cure for sickness
Apart from its ability to serve as satisfying food and drink, Zamzam water's health benefits are also commended. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him and his family) said it was a healing from sickness. This is why pilgrims to Makkah to this day collect it in bottles to bring for relatives and friends back home who are ill.
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him and his family) used to carry Zamzam water in pitchers and water skins back to Madinah. He used to sprinkle it over the sick and make them drink it.
Wahab Ibn Munabbah, who was from the second generation of Muslims, said 'I swear by Him in whose possession my life is, Allah Ta'ala will relieve the person of all illnesses who drinks Zamzam to his fill and will also grant him good health.'