Interconversion between Metabolite 5 and Metabolite 6. Interconversion
between metabolites 5 and 6 was examined in the pH range of
1-10. Buffers used were 0.2 M potassium-hydroxy chroride buffer (pH 1.0
and 2.0), 0.2 M citrate-phosphate buffer (pH 3.0-8.0), 0.2 M boratesodium
hydroxide buffer (pH 9.0-10.0). Each buffer (0.9 mL) was placed
in an individual tube, and then 0.1 mL each of 1 M 5 or 6 aqueous solution
was added. The mixture was incubated under CO2 gas at 37 C. After
24 h, the incubation mixture was analyzed by HPLC.
Analysis of Metabolites Formed from EGC (1) in Rat Cecum.
Male Wistar rats (21 weeks of age, n = 6) underwent laparotomy after
intraperitoneal injection of 25 mg of thiopental sodium (Ravonal;Mitsuibishi