Histouaithe [amendaer | edit source]
The name Canada veint of an EAN Huthons-Irotchais tchi veurt dithe village language word. Ch' is in Tan explyitchitent in Jacques Cartier like Tan people go to the city of Tchubec - i' print the word pouor the territouaithe.
Canada has ' te inhabited of pis 10,000 years. V preunmie' nudes of the Europe 'was the Vikings the equ laissitent Tan' sins of buildings of sides. In 1497, he is probabl'ye what John Cabot arrivit in Newfoundland, epis Jacques Cartier explorit the country in 1534 and Samuel de Champlain in 1603. Colonnistes preunmie unearthed permanent ' were by the French in 1604. British and French rejected based and v 'there tch' vividly etibotchait of the hertchin entered the two countries. France cedit Nova Scotia to Rouoyaume Unni in 1713, ears any of the new France in 1763.
The death of Genetha Wolfe in 1770 to the Tchubec by Benjamin West
When the s States Unnis of Amethique read decliathitent independence, dgerre tchi sievit cachit a bunch of people louoyaux to the Crown in the Canada. Tchiques vividly negate based and r'organnisees in the Amethique of Northern British until 1867 when EAN confethence politicians of Cannadgiens accordit the criation of EAN confedethation Cannadgienne. The Donminnion of Canada was rigged. In 1919, the Canada of came a member of the League of Nations, and in 1926 the Confethence Imperial accordit the Government of se of Donminnions. The appouaintit san preunmie ambassadeu in 1927 (of States Unnis) Canada. Citouoyennete Cannadgienne was etablyie in 1947, and in 1982 Rouoyaume Unni r'nonchit the changi can the constitution Cannadgienne (tch' he had kept since the provinces don't read gave pon time past Tan which dev'thait chu there can aver).
The Newfoundland jouaingnit Canada in 1949. The Tchubec has two do vote plus the aver tchestchion pus independence (in 1980 and 1995)