Investigating Pre-Service Teachers' Beliefs about Classroom Discipline
Polat, Soner; Kaya, Sibel; Akdag, Murat
Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice, v13 n2 p885-890 Spr 2013
The purpose of this descriptive study was to investigate pre-service teachers' beliefs about classroom discipline in terms of different variables. The sample of the study was 731 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year pre-service teachers from seven different programs at Kocaeli University Faculty of Education in the 2010-2011 academic year. The participants were administered the Beliefs about Discipline Inventory which yields three separate discipline model scores: relationship-listening, confronting-contracting, and rules and consequences. Scores were compared based on gender, program, years in the program and having taken Classroom Management and Student Teaching courses. The findings showed that the most preferred discipline model was the confronting-contracting with moderate levels of teacher control and the least preferred discipline model was the rules and consequences with high levels of teacher control. Pre-service teachers who completed the Student Teaching course had significantly higher scores on the rules and consequences model compared to their counterparts. Similarly, males received significantly higher rules and consequences scores compared to females. In terms of different programs, participants from the early childhood education program received significantly higher scores on the least authoritarian model of relationship-listening compared to the pre-service teachers in the other programs.