When I was young, I want to be a doctor. But now I want to be an accountant because I like studying mathematics and I love numbers. I am a meticulous person with an eye for detail. I am comfortable with numbers and have a strong educational background in the field. By being an accountant, I will able me to hone my skills. I love to make things balance, I love putting it all together kind of like figuring out a puzzle and what makes my job so rewarding is when I make everything balance perfectly, bringing it all together, for one big picture of the whole operation. In many jurisdictions, professional accounting bodies maintain standards of practice and evaluations for professionals. Accountants who have demonstrated competency through their professional associations' certification exams are certified to use titles such as Chartered Accountant, Chartered Certified Accountant or Certified Public Accountant. Such professionals are granted certain responsibilities by statute, such as the ability to certify an organization's financial statements, and may be held liable for professional misconduct. Non-qualified accountants may be employed by a qualified accountant, or may work independently without statutory privileges and obligations. I will study to the best of my ability. I want to graduate and get good grade for go to university and my favorite faculty that I hope.