The most important reason for which some persons hesitate to use internet for purchases-as
resulted from most of the opinion polls – is that of being afraid to supply on line
information regarding the credit card. But the same persons are giving daily the credit card
number, at phone, to other persons they even do not know at all when they buy from
catalogues or TVs.
Another important problem is the attempt to the personal intimacy. The potential buyers are
afraid that by internet the traders or a bad will person can collect thorough information and
they will not realize this at all. Unfortunately these worries are the result of some
exaggerations especially in Occident where The Theory of Conspiracies is fashionable.
Absence of human contact
This is the obvious inconvenient generated by the electronic commerce. The low launching
and maintenance costs of a virtual shop derives of the advantages of the automatics of the
processes and there is no need to employ additional personal, on one hand. On the other
hand the absence of the seller, the human presence to which the buyer may appeal to in case
he has doubts, represents an obstacle in spreading this form of commerce. In this respect
some companies created programs that are permitting the vocal contact or visual one
between the customer and one employee of the company during his visit on the web site.