Thank you for your kind cooperation always.
We are sending you host company information (behind matching list in matching list file) and Internstudent’s Companion
The sheet of “matching list” is just for your information.
And you can know student’s schedule by “Internstudent’s Companion”.
And I would send internship pledge as soon as possible.
It is under translation Japanese –Thai.
We would explain it when we send it.
Please tell students that they should read Internstudent’s Companion in advance.
We explain about internship at Orientation in Japanese on the first time.
And we would use it at Orientation on the first day.
We would send e-ticket by next mail.
Please send students as below;
1. Internstudent’s Companion
2. host company information
3. E-ticket
4. Internship schedule (host company planned) ➡ we would send on next week from Murayama san
What student should bring to Japan
1. internship pledge( Japanese Ver.) with their signature ➡ we would send later.
2. Internstudent’s Companion