The Law. Those two words may strike fear in the minds of many people living in today’s society. The truth is that the law is not implicated to create fear or scare society’s individuals; it is in place as a basis for society. Our society uses the law and law enforcement as the primary building blocks on which it is built upon.
Without the law in place we would have no structure. It regulates protocol at various places of employment, ensuring that all employees are treated equally. It ensures our protection, whether it is personal or property, from injury and damages. We use the law to conduct business every time we make a purchase. After every one of these transactions there is a mutual agreement that money will be exchanged for the desired product. Although it is not written or verbalized, this could be considered a contract. Without the law, a contract would not be binding or valid. It’s meaning useless in a world with no law.
Law is needed to keep the peace in a society where individual freedom is valued. Without the law, we would experience havoc and chaos. We require the law as it warrants order and stability within our society. It helps us to consistently base our decisions on the patterns of social morality that we see within society. We conform to society’s expectations. This is the act of abiding to the law.
The reason that members of our society obey the law, on the most part, is to avoid punishment. We are deterred from breaching society’s expectations by the punishments that misconduct holds. We are placed in positions which could humiliate us by committing a crime. Being placed in the local newspaper is just one example of humiliation. Paying a fine also helps to clear up the problem of disobeying the law.