During 2000, a total of 671 mm of rainfall was received, which was lower than the 56-year mean annual rainfall for this area. During 2001, the total rainfall from January to August was 737 mm. This was very close to 727 mm, the 56-year mean value for the same duration (January–August). Total amount of rainfall (runoff producing storms) that resulted in runoff was 350 mm in 2000 and 400 mm in 2001. During 2000 runoff of NO3-N, NH4-N and total inorganic N (NO3-N + NO2-N + NH4-N) were significantly affected by treatment (Fig. 1). However, runoff of PO4-P and NO2-N were not. Loss of NO3-N, NH4-N and total inorganic N from Napier grass treatment was lower than from Vetiver grass and the control. Nutrient runoff from the Vetiver grass treatment was different from the control only for NO3-N (Fig. 1).