The amounts of punicalagin, ellagic acid, and their derivatives
were calculated from chromatograms recorded at 378 nm. For gallic
acid a wavelength of 280 nm was used. UV spectra of the components
were taken continuously between 200 and 400 nm
throughout the elution in order to determine component identity
and peak purity. Stock solutions of punicalagin (1000 mg/l), gallic
acid (500 mg/l), and ellagic acid (200 mg/l) were prepared in
water/methanol (1:1). The stock solutions were then further diluted
to target concentrations. The extracts were filtered by
0.45 lm filter and diluted 20-fold with water/methanol (1:1) prior
to HPLC analyses. The injection volume for standards and samples
was 10 ll.