In the calculation of CIT of a company carrying on business in Thailand, it is calculated from the company's net profit on the accrual basis.
A company shall take into account all revenue arising from or in consequence of the business carried on in an accounting period and deducting therefrom all expenses in accordance with the condition prescribed by the Revenue Code.
As for dividend income, one-half of the dividends received by Thai companies from any other Thai companies may be excluded from the taxable income.
However, the full amount may be excluded from taxable income if the recipient is a company listed in the Stock Exchange of Thailand or the recipient owns at least 25% of the distributing company's capital interest, provided that the distributing company does not own a direct or indirect capital interest in the recipient company.
The exclusion of dividends is applied only if the shares are acquired not less than 3 months before receiving the dividends and are not disposed of within 3 months after receiving the dividends.