During the summer months, the air distribution system is operated during the night, bringing in cool summer air that flushes the interior and readies it for occupancy at a comfortable temperature the following morning. Accentuating the glazed southern façade and providing an additional element relating to solar optimization are 1 meter deep concrete frames that are thermally disconnected from the main building. Serving multiple functions, the lower portions function as seating at the base, guardrails at the top – for the open landscaped roof, and integral shading element for high angle summer sun. During the few days in summer when needed, rolling screen shades installed at the tops of the exterior concrete frames can be lowered while still providing views to the exterior from the interior.
Throughout the years the building continues to outperform the Passive House standard of 15kwh/m2 annually. The Kita Kindergarten at the Göttingen University campus stands as testament that energy efficient buildings need not be bland or stale, and through a holistic approach and attention to detail, the aesthetic, performative and humanistic qualities can cross contribute to a create better, healthier overall space to inhabit.