not be able to predict specific volume or hardness. Nevertheless,
regarding crumb cohesiveness and resilience, it would be advisable
to select flours with high swelling value, and enthalpy but low
gelatinization peak temperature. In addition, no correlation has
found between WBC with hardness and specific volume of the GFB.
Flour properties such as SV, Tp and DH were strongly related to
cohesiveness value, F09 and F50 showed the highest cohesiveness
value. Also, high SP and low breakdown viscosity of the rice flour,
showed in INIAP 14, are related to high specific volume of the GFB.
Previous reports supported that short rice grain was the only
suitable for gluten-free breadmaking. Nonetheless, this study
indicated that the length of the rice is not a determining factor for
breadmaking, and long-grain rice could be used for bakery, indeed
it seems that synergic effect of intrinsic factors such as particle size,
protein conformation, lipid and protein content and lipideamylose
complex and starch structure that could affect the properties of rice
flour. In addition, results suggest that by selecting specific varieties
of rice it would be possible to improve the baking performance of
the rice flours, and presumably breeding could also be a good tool
to obtain new promising varieties for baking.
Authors acknowledge the financial support of