the optimum condition to produce good porous concrete has not been established. The mix design, method of mixing and compact ion to produce porous concrete with potentially high est strength and durability at designed void ratio a r e still needed. This i s mainly due to the fact that porous concrete is a special concrete with different mix design and compact ion allowing continuous voids to be form ed with relatively good compression strength. 11 In order to obtain the required continuous void and sufficient strength, the most important condition is to keep the continuity of cement paste with coarse aggregate embedded such that continuous void is maintained [8] . This is achievable with the use of cement paste with relatively low W/C and sufficiently high work-ability. At low W/C, an improvement in the texture an d pro pert of paste is obtained with sufficient mixing time and proper mixing. The knowl edge on rheology of cemen t paste is, there- fore, a basic req uirement for prepari ng good cement paste