Conductometry is widely used to determine critical micellar concentration and micellar aggregates
surface properties of amphiphiles. Current conductivity experiments of surfactant solutions are typically
carried out by manual pipetting, yielding some tens reading points within a couple of hours. In order to
study the properties of surfactant–cells interactions, each amphiphile must be tested in different
conditions against several types of cells. This calls for complex experimental designs making the
application of current methods seriously time consuming, especially because long experiments risk to
determine alterations of cells, independently of the surfactant action. In this paper we present a novel,
accurate and rapid automated procedure to obtain conductometric curves with several hundreds reading
points within tens of minutes. The method was validated with surfactant solutions alone and in combination
with Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. An easy-to use R script, calculates conductometric parameters
and their statistical significance with a graphic interface to visualize data and results. The validations
showed that indeed the procedure works in the same manner with surfactant alone or in combination
with cells, yielding around 1000 reading points within 20 min and with high accuracy, as determined
by the regression analysis