Empobrecimento e inclusão social: vida urbana e pobreza na cidade de Uberlândia/MG (1980-2004)
by Morais, Sérgio Paulo
Abstract (Summary)
This study follows transformations in the living at Uberlândia, between 1980and 2004.These changes had occurred in reason of some conjunctures that had evidencedthe fight for the ?right for city? and the debates on the hunger as a new historicalphenomena, making the poverty and the poor persons be under focus in the politician,social city horizon.At this aspect, the local newspaper Correio had functioned as intersection pointand it had worked as ideas spreading and explanations for the existence, permanenceand visibility reached by the poverty in the urban life.Among the possible explanations, it had surfaced notions as ?ignorance?, disdainfor the cultural goods and values, propensity to the high natality and predisposition tothe alcohol and drugs.The analyses of these notions had been seen as class fight expression inside on acultural dynamics that determined a place at the social one to the poor persons.In this direction, the research consider ways by which the public power hadintervined in the unpolitization and disarrangement of the fights implemented for thepoor persons in the city, concretized in implementation and regulation of financialsupport distribution politics.Thus, this study aims to understand memories and histories produced in thistransformation process, attempting for ways by wich the public politics had contributedto the ordinance and poverty senses construction during those years.By means of the verbal narratives, we aims to understand how the beneficiarieshad lived, experienced and elaborated consciences on the tensions and relations firmedwith religious, givers and public service agents, tensions and relations that had beentranslated to behavior ways and expectations on the future