But what kind of sound is working in a living cell ?
This new insight into the nature of morphogenesis firsly find a reply by Prof. Peter Garaiev ; he develops a theory to treat the genome as a holographic bio-computer that generates endogenous solitons ( solitary acoustic or electromagnetic waves, respectively of sound and light) to carry 4D epigenetic (alternative coding) information that can be used by biosystem's communication for spatial and temporal self-organization. (5)
Solitons are extraordinary type of waves, generated under non-linear wave propagation, as happen in the sea during a storm, when suddenly emerges an abnormal gigant wave . It is easy to undersand that the propagation of Solitons, in a no-linear regime, can be too much ruled by a probabilistic behaviour to be considered the foundation of DNA-sound, for having a communication used as ordering power and interactive controll, between genes of the DNA and the self- organization of the complex metabolic activities in a living cell.
Recenly the an international Group of Reaseach chaired by Prof Carlo Ventura of the University of Bologna (IT) , recorded the sound of cells, and has noticed that become possible make a correlation of different cell's sounds that allows to identify if the cell is good or ill.(6) Certainly these records confirm that molecular vibrations and health can have a close relationship; but still the recording the various sounds emitted from the cells, cannot make us to understand the specific features of sound emissions, between DNA and proteins to coordinate the various metabolic functions that determine the health or sickness in the cell. The problem of music and neurons in the brain functioning is even more complex; in factsome studies of Synestesia, where cross-overlapping of the function of different areas of the brain, permits to people to ear music and contemporarily seeing the change of colours and sometimes viceversa.(7)