The site is located in the warm, marine climate of the Northern California inland coastal region. Adjacent Soda Hall steps up to the south away from the site, affording excellent solar access. Four story Etcheverry Hall to the west of the site partially shields the site from seasonal winds and the low western sun. The building fully engages this climate and site, benefitting from natural systems while connecting students to the daily rhythms of the sun and the changing seasons unique to their place.
• ORIENTATION: The building is oriented on an east-west axis for optimal solar benefit. This creates a wind-protected, sunny courtyard to the south while enhancing building access to passive solar heating, daylighting, natural ventilation and a continuum of indoor / outdoor spaces at the first floor.
• COMPACT MASS: A compact building mass with an efficient skin-to-floor area ratio helps to reduce thermal transfer. A narrow, 55 ft. deep floorplate and 14 ft. ceilings, promote excellent natural ventilation and daylight penetration.
• HIGH-PERFORMANCE ENVELOPE: A highly insulated envelope, with exterior insulation, rain screen cladding and integrated sun-shading on three exposures, manages external building loads. Energy Star-rated cool roofing and high-albedo paving help to further reduce cooling loads in warm weather.