In correspondence with the workforce development vice president’s office and depending on their preference for distributing the faculty questionnaire, the completion of the WFD faculty questionnaires proceeded in one of two possible ways; first, questionnaires were sent via email to faculty who were asked to complete the survey via the Internet; second, faculty were asked to complete the questionnaire during a regularly scheduled course or while on campus for administrative work. All faculty chosen to participate in this questionnaire were selected from each college’s workforce development division non-
credit faculty. Anonymous survey responses were collected. The survey was sent via the community college WFD office a total of three times to all original faculty contacts to ensure an adequate response rate, completion, and anonymity. Each college that participated in the internet survey method collected and maintained the WFD faculty email distribution lists and distributed the survey link via college email to ensure anonymity. A total of 190 WFD faculty were asked to participate in the study. Sixty-four WFD faculty responded to the request for a total response rate of 33.8 percent.