The dental hygienist spends more chair time with
the typical dental patient than any other member
of the dental team. This affords the dental
hygienist an excellent opportunity to really get
to know the patient and to establish rapport. She
or he is in an excellent position to formulate a
realistic risk assessment for the patient.
One of the most effective techniques for
identifying patients at high risk of soda poprelated
erosion and caries is to assess how often
and how much soda pop is consumed. Patients
should be asked how often and how much soda
pop they drink. Some patients only drink soda
pop at meals, some in between meals as well
and some all day long. Patients may also be able
to describe how much soda pop they drink in a
day or week. Patients should be asked about the
kinds of soda pop they drink. Some soda pops
are more acidic than others and some contain
more sugar. Some soda pops contain artificial
sweeteners and so do not pose a threat from the
perspective of bacteria metabolizing sugars.
Home care and oral hygiene should be assessed.
The dental hygienist should ask the
patient how many times he or she brushes and
which brand of toothpaste the patient uses. The
patient should also be asked if he or she uses a
fluoride mouth rinse. Many patients will also
know whether their water source is fluoridated.