This is Web marketing of a company or a
shop. In first instance this is done to promote
the company and its goods or services.
Increasingly added is the possibility
to order and possibly to pay, often combined
with traditional marketing channels.
Benefits sought for the company are increased
demand, a low-cost route to global
presence, and cost-reduction of promotion
and sales. Benefits for the
customers can be lower prices compared
to the traditional offer, wider choice, better
information, and convenience of selecting,
buying and delivery, including
24-hour availability. Where repeat visits
to the e-shop are done, one-to-one marketing
can increase those benefits for both
seller and buyer. Seller revenues are from
reduced cost, increased sales, and possibly
advertising. Most commercial Web
sites are business-to-consumer electronic
shops, selling for example flowers by
Fleurop (http://www.fleurop.com) or air
tickets by Travelocity (http://www.