management support for knowledge sharing has been shown to be positively associated with employees' perceptions of a knowledge sharing culture (e.g., employee trust,willingness of experts to help others) and willingness to share knowledge(connelly & kelloway 2003 ;lin,2007d) lee et al (2006) found that top management support affected both the level and quality of knowledge sharing through influencing employee commitment to KM.preceived supervisor and coworkers support and theire ncouragement of knowledge sharing also increase employees' knowledge exchange and their perceptions of usefulness of knowledge sharing
king and mark however,failed to find a significant effect for perceived organizational support after controlling for case of use and usefulness of KMS. it appears that management support specific to knowledge sharing is a better predictor of employee knowledge sharing.they found supervisory control(i.e., perceived supervisor influence over utilizing the KMS in the organization appropriately) was a significant predictor of individual effort which was related to the frequency of knowledge sharing