Written at
This agreement is made between , Residing at hereinafter called “Lessee”
And Residing at Holding the Passport No. hereinafter called “Lessor” .
Whereas the Lessor is the owner of
and all premises including all fixtures and fittings, (list attached) hereinafter called “ Premises”
Whereas the Lessor desires to let and the Lessee desires to rent the Premises under the terms and
set forth in this agreement as follows :
The term of this agreement shall be for a period of months commencing from
and expired on
2.1 The rent shall be Baht ( Baht) per month and shall be paid
in advance with the 5th day of each calendar month by wiring such money to
Bank Branch
Account Name
Account No.
The first payment of rent is paid on the execution of this agreement.
2.2 The Community , Administration and Maintenance Fee (CAM) shall be responsible by the Lessor
3.1 Upon the execution of this agreement the Lessee deposits with the Lessor Baht
( Baht only ), hereinafter referred to as “Security Deposit” . The Security
Deposit shall be hold the Lessor throughout the term of this agreement, without bearing
any interest, as a security for any damage or loss the Lessor may suffer by the breach or non-
performance or non-observance of any of the covenants on the part of the Lessee hereincontained.
3.2 The Security Deposit shall be returned to the Lessee within 30 days upon termination of
this agreement , if not applied towards payment of rent or other indebtedness in arrears or
towards damage suffered by the Lessor , at its own option of the Lessor.
3.3 The Lessor hereby acknowledges receipt of the Security Deposit.
3.4 The Security Deposit is not and shall not be a prepayment of any rental nor shall it be raise by
the Lessee as a reason or excuse to not paying the rent as stipulated in this agreement.
3.5 This agreement shall be legally valid only when the Lessor has received the first payment of
the rent under Clause 2.1 and The Security Deposit under Clause 3.1 from the Lessee
completely and correctly.
The Lessee hereby covenants with the Lessor as follows :
To punctually pay the rents and other sums at the time and in the manner stipulated this
agreement during the lease term;
4.1 To observe and comply with the terms and conditions stipulated in this agreement, including
rules , regulations or notifications which are prescribed or may be prescribed by the Juristic
Person of Condominium or the Lessor
concerning the use of the Premises and the building;
4.2 To use the Premises for dwelling purposes only ;
4.3 To keep all floors , floor covering walls, ceilings , window treatment, doors,
furniture , domestic appliances , and all fixtures and fittings in or on the Premises in the same
condition but allowing for the normal wear and tear for the use during the term of this
agreement ;
4.4 To punctually pay all invoices for electricity water gas and telephone True Visions or UBC
Internet and any other bills (if any) present during the lease term for which the Lessee is
responsible under the covenants of this agreement. Non payment of such bills shall be
considered a breach of lease agreement;
4.5 To permit the Lessor or his agent to enter the Premises for a purpose of inspection at all
reasonable times during daylight hours with prior notice from the Lessor ;
4.6 To permit the Lessor or his agent to show the Premises to prospective tenants or purchasers at
reasonable times with prior notice from the Lessor during the 30 days before the
expiration of this agreement ;
4.7 Not make any addition, mo