Trainer tells trainees about considerations and requirements regarding implementation of initial drills, highlighting:
Need to advertise the drill
Staff may be advised via:
Staff briefings and meetings
Verbal notification from supervisors, managers and or owners
Memos, e-mails and workplace posters
Customers may be advised:
Verbally – when they arrive to check-in
Through notices posted around the premises – such as in elevators, at reception, in dining areas, in toilets
Via public address announcements
Using in-room options such as flyers in the in-room compendiums and television messaging
Notices left on pillows, or elsewhere in guest rooms
Emergency services can be notified of the drill:
By telephone or fax
Via email
The attendance of emergency services observers should be encouraged at the initial drill
Scheduling –the initial drill should be scheduled at an ‘appropriate’ time. For an initial drill an appropriate time is a relatively quiet time. Later drills (the on-going drills) will focus on conducting evacuations at more challenging times such as at busy times, on weekends, on a public holiday and or at night. The initial drill is more to demonstrate proof of concept for the evacuation plan/s
Scheduling for the initial drill should therefore occur:
During daylight hours
On a week day.