● Heroin, morphine, and cannabis have been ranked the top three drugs of abuse in Malaysia since
● There was an overall decline by about a third in drug-related arrests between 2005 and 2006
with sharp declines occurring for the opiates and ATS.
● In contrast to arrests, seizures of ATS drugs increased in 2006 with crystal methamphetamine
seizures measuring more than a two and a half times those in 2005, two kilograms of
amphetamine being seized, while none was seized in 2005, and a doubling in the number of
ecstasy pills seized.
● Sharp declines in seizures of ketamine were recorded in 2006 compared to the previous year,
down by 73.3 percent, while seizures of psychotropics declined by 77.3 percent, seizures of
benzodiazepines declined by 90.1 percent, and cocaine dropped from 11.1 kilograms in 2005 to
kilograms in 2006.
● Although crystal methamphetamine is ranked fourth in terms of drugs of abuse with a declining
trend in 2006, the largest ATS production facilities seized in the region within the past three
years have occurred in Malaysia.