This paper investigated some characteristics of the time headway gathered on the signalized suburban arterial
using the laser detector used for detector evaluation, and proposed several stochastic distribution models fitted to the
collected headways by the traffic flows. The different features of the time headway in this paper in comparison with
those of uninterrupted facilities are as follows. The fact that the randomness test for the very low flow (5-9 v/m) was
not accepted made the fitting procedure for the flow statistically meaningless, which, of course, is unimaginable for
uninterrupted facilities. Furthermore, the fitted models for the other flow states somewhat different from those for
the uninterrupted facilities. The standard deviation of the time headway versus the mean headway and the CV versus
the flow are highly correlated with the steeper slopes compared to those of the uninterrupted facilities, which were
presumably induced by the influence of the traffic signal.