I'm not sure where you are going with this but I think the key element is that equal does not mean the same. Equality in the eyes of the law and most people is about how one is treated, not how one is made up or acts or looks.
We are all created to be TREATED equally. We all have the same basic rights. This does not mean we are the same. I excel in areas where others fail. This does not mean that my rights are different than theirs.
In addition, I have to mention that equality under the law doesn't mean equality in reality. Our country should be one of equality based on legal tenets, but we each choose our own actions. Whether we treat one another equally is our own choice and too many choose not to treat others equally.
To give an example that is maybe opposite of what many would think, are celebrities treated "equally" to non-celebrities? Of course not! They are given perks and opportunities that the "average" American doesn't experience.