The color change of the osmotically dehydrated with CaCl2 of purple sweet
potatoes is shown in Table 1. Overall a decreased trend of color found continuously
during the storage under room temperature and a low temperature (4˚C). Lightness
(L*) of the potatoes that were stored at room temperature and low temperature
fluctuated throughout the storage (P≥0.05). On the other level, chroma and Hue (C*, H˚) values of potatoes during storage was also decreased. The color of osmotically
dehydrated purple sweet potatoes during storage significantly differed among the
different temperature storage. Room temperature was quickly lost the L* and C* values
of purple potatoes than at 4˚C. Whereas, the low temperature was retained the color
of potatoes somewhat better than room temperature but it found in significantly
fluctuated in the values. H˚ values of the samples decreased more rapidly in room
temperature and where as, at the end of storage, potatoes under 4˚C found vastly
loses of H˚ values. Color changes in OD-CaCl2 treated purple sweet potatoes during
storage could be the effect of degradation of anthocyanin content. Chroma and Hue
value changes indicated that redness has gradually decreased during storage. The
lightness in this study remains unchanged in potatoes under both storage temperature.
Bico et al. (2009) reported that OD-CaCl2 treated banana had no changes in lightness.
Ferrari et al. (2010) indicated that storage and OD treatment was significantly altered
color characteristics of melon.