sive tendencies, the leap from aggressive men to agressive states is problematic, as many international relations scholars have pointed out. do men's aggressive tendencies really get channeled into international war, thus leading to the possibility of domestic peace between wars? the high homicide rate in the united states makes one skeptical of this possibility, whereas switzerland, a country with one of the lowest homicide rates in the world, is rarely an international aggressor. if most men,particularly young men, have violent tendencies, as fukuyama claims, why is it that some states are so much more peaceful than others? statesmen do not choose war lightly. nor is war generally decided at the ballot box where, according to fukuyama, significant numbers of women are voting for peace. it has often been older men who send young men often war to fight fort what they see as legitimate national interests. would american policymakers in the 1960s of today's vietnam veterans be staisfied with the explanation that america fought in vietnam as an outlet for the aggressive tendencies