2.2. Flight-initiation distance
Individual fish were first identified and their size (TL) estimated
visually from a horizontal distance of> 8 m. Starting distance, or the distance between an observer and the study species before an experiment tal approach or trial is known to affect FID (Tran et al., in press).Therefore, we used a starting distance of 8-10 m for all approaches which was the minimum distance as determined by visibility. This approach does not fully control for the potential effect of alert distance the distance at which the study species is alert of an approaching threat) on FD, but we did include visibility as a covariate to accommodate the potential influence of alert distance (i.e. alert distance likely increases with increasing visibility). Both SCUBA and free-dive methods were used to collect data, as previous research (Januchowski-Haltley et al., 2012) did not find significant differences in FID between these methods; findings that were further validated by a non-significant result of collection method on FID reported in this study (Table 1). After initial observation (-15 s) to ensure normal fish behaviour, each fish was approached at a steady speed (-0.75 m s by a single observer (BJB). "Flight" was defined as the moment when a fish performed a C-start", or swam away faster than the diver's approach speed, as in Januchowski-Hartley et al. (2012). FID was estimated to the nearest centimetre using weighted markers deployed on the benthos in the following manner: When a fish fled, a marker was dropped directly under the observers' head, followed by a second marker at the initial point from which the fish fled. If a fish fled to cover in the benthos (rather than to open water), a third marker was placed to also estimate the distance to cover. Fish were not approached if they were being chased cleaned, courted, or displaying territorial or abnormal behaviour. Finally, the starting angle, or orientation of fish prior to the diver's approach was random across treatments and is therefore unlikely to be the cause of observed differences Pre-flight behaviour was also recorded to provide a second measure of fish response to the diver's approach. During the approach, the observer categorized fish behaviour into one of six pre-flight categories: Approach diver (A), Crypsis (C), No change, Re-orientation (R) Tacking (T), or Watching (W) (for detailed descriptions, see Table S2). These pre-flight categories are thus a proxy measure that allows another comparison of wariness among zones. A third measure of behavioul recorded during the study was the escape trajectory of each fish (relative to the diver), which was estimated to the nearest 45. While the mechanisms producing escape trajectories of fish are unknown, previous research suggests that they may correspond to the threat of predation (Domenici et al., 2011a), making them potentially useful behavioural metrics for cross-validation.