„Your mouth was too poisonous, believes me to be in front of here all people to dig up up your clothes.” That eye incomparable gloominess of Song Zhong.
„Do you dare to say again.” At this time Qing Shui tranquil saying, both eyes were staring at Song Zhong.
„Ha, the young people, you install anything, thinks really own first under heaven, I again said that I will dig up light woman, moreover I must here”
His words link has not said that the Qing Shui form overran directly.
Firm Strikes!
Deft dazzling of Qing Shui, moreover completely is the route of attack, Song Zhong responded quickly, but knows that could not block the Qing Shui attack, therefore in the hand the cold brightness dodged, a short-sword punctured toward the Chest of Qing Shui.
Song Zhong despised please rest speed and Firm Strikes might, this struck before his attack has projected on the Chest of opposite party.
Song Zhong feels a brain blank, but a Qing Shui foot gratefully kicked at this time in the opposite party dantian, then turns around an elbow to stroke in the opposite party temples position.
Third company kill!
The body of Song Zhong falls on the ground, did not have the sound directly, Qing Shui already did not have the favorable impression to this person, this person is not the good thing, Qing Shui to base to lift to in Great Merchant City set up the prestige, this Song Zhong is best most thinks, since there is this type of gadget, that was operates with him.
Therefore directly Qing Shui is not forgiving has killed, although knows that this will then have some troubles, but he does not regret such to do.
Murdering of Qing Shui was too decisive . Moreover the technique of this murder was really too terrifying, simple killing incurred, Qu Bai at heart very terrifying, because he noticed that the Qing Shui technique as if had to plant to neglect the defense, even projected on the body directly, what was most important the person who was hit did not have the strength to hit back, as if the defense could not achieve, this was most terrifying.
Killing of Qing Shui incurs the discerning person looked specially can actually look, if no Firm Strikes, the goal can the standard keep off, but will not be struck to kill by the opposite party, after all can protect the fatal position, if projected on the dizziness condition, that can only wait for death.
Yu Xixuan has not thought that Qing Shui will kill people suddenly, but the feelings of some not being able saying that some people have raised one's head for oneself at heart suddenly, has a man to protect itself, she discovered that this feeling is very good, a feeling of not being able to say.
The Qu Bai complexion is a little white, Qiao Family with the Xicheng Family two people is also the complexion blanch, looks that Qing Shui as if saw any inconceivable terrifying monster is the same, after all suddenly massacres one with the strength equally matched person.
The Qing Shui method is murder method, this is also the Qing Shui actual combat capability.