These two old men, beam with joy, an awe-inspiring righteousness, is separately is the avaricious immortal, as well as master alliance control, Immortal Jie Ling.
Two people, resembling has some hatred, each other keeps silent, side them, but also sits one person, this person, is the bird immortal.
„Two, do not know that your love people, actually who can go out from this inside.” Was seeing with own eyes that Formation front door opened, the bird immortal opens the mouth to say.
„Bird brother, how such does not have the confidence, only then our disciple will go out, your can't disciple?” Saying that the avaricious immortal smiles.
„Oh, my disciple, is what level I am clear, how can compare with two disciple.” Shaking the head of the bird immortal self-ridicules.
„Cannot think that you also calculate had self-knowledge.” The avaricious immortal said with a smile.
Hears this words, the complexion of bird immortal, was cloudy immediately much, although he knows that his disciple is not good, but cannot accommodate others.
But the avaricious immortal, actually does not care about the feeling of bird immortal, but has swept Immortal Jie Ling intentionally, this said:
„Although my disciple, is not the generation of going against heaven's will, but captures this competion first, is not a problem.”
Regarding this words, Immortal Jie Ling had not replied, but has been staring at that Formation exit, in the eye has been full of the color of disturbed anticipation, he hopes that his disciple Mu Jue Chen, can go out.
As the matter stands, can invisible, hits the face of avaricious immortal, making him shut up.
But at this moment, that Formation front door finally starts to shiver, follows, together the form, is reappears.
At this moment, regardless of everybody, the rank size, almost all people are stares, follows, looks accommodation of being startled.
Because of Chu Feng, has stood above that catwalk.
„Who is this?” This is presents all people, the first idea.
However this cannot blame them, after all at present appears, is not disciple of nine potentials, is not disciple of three immortals, is an attire is ordinary, appearance ordinary young people.
If Chu Feng reveals the true body, decides to shock the audience, but he at this moment is accommodation of camouflage, naturally nobody recognizes him, this also makes the people be startled on the nature.
„This”, but must say with amazement, at this moment is most surprised, is the avaricious immortal, as well as Immortal Jie Ling.
Especially the avaricious immortal, formerly be with smile on the face he, at this moment immediately could not have smiled, that appearance, simply with eating the excrement was the same.
„Avaricious brother, it seems like you guessed mistakenly, was not only my disciple is not good, it seems like your disciple was also not good.”
But at this moment, compares in other two, the bird immortal is happy.
„Bird, your what Meaning? Is taunting me?” Hears this words, the avaricious immortal the vision transfers immediately coldly, wicked looked to the bird immortal.