Install latest Lucky Patcher
Run Lucky Patcher > Menu > Select ‘Patch to Android’
Select √ ‘Signature Verify always True’ and ‘Disable Zip Signature Verify’ > Apply > Yes
After reboot go to ‘Patch to Android’ and check (Patch applied). If applied exit from Lucky patcher. otherwise do 3rd step again.
Backup current Google play with Titanium backup if you want to restore original version in case.
Rename downloaded ‘’ and transfer to sd card. For GingerBread users > rename to ‘Vending.apk’ For ICS / Jelly Bean users > rename to ‘PhoneSky.apk’
Open Root Explorer and copy/replace renamed apk to ‘/system/app/’ folder
Set permissions rw-r–r– and Reboot
Done. All Apps on Device with LVL is licensed. (Tested on GoldenDict, PowerAmp and other)