We have established and practiced the “AISIN Companies Code of Behavior” as our company’s guideline for conduct for some time now. However, at this time, as we are increasingly encountering new values, cultures and customs with the global expansion of our business operations, we are required to carry out corporate social responsibility(CSR)from a broader perspective than before. In light of such circumstances, AISIN established our stance for carrying out more proactive CSR in the “AISIN Group Companies Code of Behavior”, and thoroughly implemented it as common policy across the whole Group. At AISIN, we are aware that all business activities are made viable due to trust from society, and the “AISIN Group Companies Code of Behavior” is practiced by the AISIN Group and also by every sin gle person who works for the AISIN Group. Additionally, with the approval of all related parties, we are endeavoring to make this into an even broader initiative