The experiment was carried out in a split plot in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications during May 2010 to July 2011. There were five main plots; T1) non foliar fertilization, T2) foliar fertilization of Zn+Mg+S at the rate of 10 cc/20 liters of water, 30 cc/20 liters of water and 60 g/20 liters of t ha-1water at 2 and 3 month after planting (2
times/month), T3) foliar fertilization of Zn+Mg at the rate of 10 cc/20 liters of water and 30 cc/20 liters of water at 2 and 3 month after planting (2 times/month), T4) foliar fertilization of Zn+S at the rate of 10 cc/20 liters of water and 60 g/20 liters of water at 2 and 3 month after planting (2 times/month) and T5) foliar fertilization of Mg+S at the rate of 30 cc/20 liters of water and 60 g/20 liters of water at 2 and 3 month after planting (2 times/month) and
three cassava cultivars subplots; V1) KU 50, V2) HB 60 and V3) HB 80.