Now-a-days, due to growing world & importance
of the time in day to day life there is need of effortless
transport. So we are also providing an Android
application which will provide the all system
information of vehicle tracking and monitoring. It also
provides the feature of density measure for the user
convenience and nearest bus available on the route and
will make the user up to date as bus moves.
The location of the bus can be observed
continuously using GPS system. The GPS satellites
transmit signals to a GPS receiver. These receivers
statically receive signals. GPS satellite transmits data
that indicates the location and current time of the
The Smart Card provides authentication,
identification, application processing along with data
storage. Every passenger will carry the smart card. The
Smart Card holds information of the user such as
available balance, identification number, user’s
information. These smart cards are capable of
recharge. By integrating both GPS technology and
smart cards we are going to design a whole bus
ticketing system.
Whenever the passengers will enter in the bus
he/she will be asked by the conductor whether he/she
wants to buy ticket by using smart card or money. If
smart card, then the conductor will swipe smart card.
Then validity and of smart card will be checked with
server and then the ticket will be issued. According to
Source and destination the distance covered by
passenger is get calculated and according to that bus
fare amount will be reduced from smart card. The
smart cards will also useful for conductor for fast
issuing the tickets to the passengers.