(c) The applicant for registration (for a juridical person, an executive official who has the right of representation) is an executive official or staff of the manufacturer, etc. (including persons who have been executive official or staff of the said manufacturer, etc. within past two years).
• (4) The registration shall be made with an entry of the following items in the registry book of the registered manufacturing inspection, etc., agency
o (i) Date and number of registration
o (ii) Name or appellation and address , and for juridical person, the name of the representative.
o (iii) Appellation and address of the office
o (iv) The group mentioned in paragraph (1).
Article 46-2. (Renewal of Registration)
• (1) The registration shall be renewed after a certain time prescribed by Cabinet Order from five up to ten years has elapsed. Otherwise the registration becomes invalidated with the expiration of the period.
• (2) The provisions of the second to the fourth paragraph of the preceding Article shall apply mutatis mutandis to the renewal of registration mentioned in the previous paragraph of this Article.
Article 47. (Obligation, etc., of Manufacturing Inspection, etc.)
• (1) The registered manufacturing inspection, etc., agency shall, where requested to conduct an inspection etc., carry it out without delay except the case where there exist justifiable reason.
• (2) The registered manufacturing inspection, etc., agency shall, in conducting inspection, etc., have an inspector carry it out.
• (3) The registered manufacturing inspection, etc., agency shall conduct the inspection fairly and properly and in accordance with one of the standards relating to the structure of specially specifeid machines, etc. prescribed in paragraph (2) of Article 37.
• (4) The registered manufacturing inspection, etc., agency shall take necessary measures, prescribed in the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, for preventing dangers caused by the method of the manufacturing inspection, etc.