After graduating from high school, many students go on to
university, but their reasons for entering higher education vary.
First, many students attend university to study a particular
subject in depth.
Unlike high schools, which require students
to take a wide range of classes, university curriculums allow
students to choose a major.
In each major, a number of
specialized courses are offered, and they are taught by experts
in the elds.
Moreover, universities have various research
facilities that help students learn.
Another common reason
for going to university is that a college education often leads
to a better career in the future.
In many countries, people
with university degrees tend to nd better-paying jobs than
those without them.
In addition, some universities provide
their students with opportunities to acquire practical skills
that can be useful in the real world, such as accounting, using
computers, and speaking foreign languages.
However, in spite
of these opportunities, some students cannot nd a rewarding
job after graduation because of unfavorable economic
Finally, for some students, making friends and
enjoying an active social life can be a suf cient reason to stay
in school for another four years.
In universities, students have
chances to meet people who come from different places with
diverse backgrounds.
Furthermore, universities have a variety
of student organizations where students can meet others
with similar interests and spend time with them.
students make friends through part-time jobs too.
To sum up,
students go to university for a variety of reasons: to study a
particular eld, to nd a good job, or to make friends.