There is no secret here, towards the end of each note you hear (assuming your wearing earphones), upon the heightening of the frequency so too is your central cortex stimulated". - Professor Chris Thorpe.
What you are about to hear is a short audio track designed and prepared by Professor Chris Thorpe (formally of Staffordshire University), of whom worked closely with three of the top audiologists in Europe to produce this soundtrack. After taking a little over 4 years to compose by teams of experts, along with tireless research and accuracy this finely tuned 'work of art' as it has been referred to by many is now available to people to hear worldwide. It somewhat 'guarantees' to influence positivity throughout the mind, creating a bond between the brain and the central nervous system whilst stimulating the pineal gland. Research is still being carried out but to date 98.7% of people tested have reported a very noticeable or drastic increase in confidence and positivity after only listening to this track once.
However Professor Thorpe urges people to listen to it on a regular basis, for at least a week before noticing what he describes as a, "Profound understanding of yourself, along with a deeper understanding of the world around you." He then goes on to say, "the mind can only be cleared once it understands itself and the space within, however this can take time, listening to this audio track once-a-day for a week should be sufficient in giving clear results. There are different parts of the brain the frequencies within the audio masking stimulate - the left, the right and the central cortex, the frontal lobe is also key here. That is why we recommend wearing headphones to achieve optimal results, the eyes must also be closed."
Research undertaken in Birmingham, UK, 2012. 987 people out of 1000 tested claimed moderate to extreme positive psychological results after hearing this track just once.
[Please be aware that due to iTunes Store policy if you wish to buy the 1 hour mp3 track featured in this video it is only available if the Album (which consists of 6 songs) is purchased. This is because iTunes deem any song which is over the duration of 10 minutes as an 'Album' and NOT an individual track. So wether the song in question is on it's own as an Album or part of an Album with an additional 20 songs it will still be priced the same (Album price - and available as an Album only). Wether an Album consists of one song lasting 1 hour or ten songs (each also lasting 1 hour each), as it contains one song or more which lasts over 10 minutes in length it will still be classed as an Album and be priced exactly the same. If you are still unsure of how this works then please see the following link for more details: