Our results indicate that the enzymatic activity of -glucosidase,
arylsulphatase and dehydrogenase is lower in the oak stand, where
the highest organic matter and total nitrogen available amounts are
present. Previous studies of Eivazi and Tabatabai (1990) support
-glucosidase activity and was found to be positively correlated
with organic C. The functional similarity between the communities
of microorganisms among sites showed that neither the residual
materials which are involved in the litter of the three sites nor
the soil type nor the quality of management of residues has high
impacts on the nature of community. The correlations show that
the activity of -glucosidase and arylsulphatase in chestnut coppice
stand that were the enzymes more associated with the organic
matter components. These enzymes were also related with nitrogen
and this indication can correspond as the quality of soil organic
matter as the nitrogen availability. Many studies have reported
strong positive correlations among acid phosphatase activity, -
glucosidase activity and microbial biomass