When user created receipt data (premium collection) with payment method as ‘Cheque’ or by uploading via the Receipt BO, this cheque status will be Un-presented cheque (not yet clearing) which could not use for applying premium until cheque was cleared. And system has to generate GL booking for un-presented cheque.
Current system handles cheque clearing process by checking from ‘Cheque deposit date’ field (is defaulted same date with Cheque date) and in the day end batch, cheque status will be cleared if ‘Cheque deposit date’ field is equal with Business date.
• To be able to use the existing process, system has to default ‘Cheque deposit date’ as Cheque date + X(X will defined by FO), and also user can update ‘Cheque deposit date’ and reason code eg, confirmed by VP.
• And cheque clearing process can be run by manual or automatically in dayend batch and generate GL transaction after cheque was clearing.