1.) I thought of transferring the money to your account or an account
in Asia, America or Europe but there must be a barrier in doing that.
The Bank of Afghanistan would demand certain document regarding the fund
before such money can be transferred and when i fail to provide the required
documents it could attracts many questions on how I got such huge amount
of money, the bank may capitalize on that and confiscate the money or raise
an eyebrow because as an officer i am not suppose to be in possession of such
money while in active service and also in a war zone.
2.) I have thought of shipping the boxes to you through any of these
courier services or company but there is no way the boxes will not be scan
by the courier service to know if the content is free from drug or any
incriminatory items and in so doing they would know the true content of the
boxes. Sometimes they would ask to open them up for inspections before
it is very risky going by this means or the above method.