Based on the results and discussions, the following conclusions can be drawn:
. Of the 25 human factors variables, age, overtaking, overspeeding, neglect of
brake servicing, neglect of tyre care and religious affiliation significantly
contribute to increase in road traffic accidents in the Lagos metropolis.
. Of the two-way variable combinations, 44 human factors variable combinations
significantly contribute to increase in road traffic accidents in Lagos. Among
such are drinking of alcohol before driving in combination with old age;
overspeeding with old age, etc. A total of 32 of the variable combinations
contribute positively while the remaining 12 combinations contribute negatively.
So, we also conclude that second order response surface adequately represent the
accident causation model.
. Like the previous studies by Dewar et al. (2002); Sanders and McCormick (1985);
Shinar (1978); we can conclude that human factors or their combinations are
responsible for over 95 per cent of road traffic accidents.
Finally, it can be concluded that accidents are hardly caused by a single factor variable,
but by a combination of human factors.