Fremantle women’s league marquee players Kara Donnellan and Kiara Bowers are two of the best picked so far, according to AFL manager for female football development Jan Cooper.
“They’re outstanding midfielders and great women off the field as well,” Cooper said.
“Good pick-up Freo.”
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Cooper also said young girls in WA have already begun supporting their favourite female players.
“I was at a junior club a few weeks ago, and we asked the girls ‘do you know about the pathways?’ and ‘who are you favourite players?’”
“In the past, they haven’t known about the pathways and all their favourite players were males, which is fine.
“But this time, they were reeling off some of the female names.
“That was just incredible to me.
“It’s a dream come true.”
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Cooper, who has been instrumental in the build-up to the national women’s league, said Fremantle have also got ‘the pick of the bunch’ with newly appointed women’s team head coach, Michelle Cowan.
“She’s one of the finest female coaches in the whole of Australia,” Cooper said.
“A whole lot of girls will stay in WA to be coached by her.
“She has such a strong culture, develops really high-end skills and is a high performing person full stop.”
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Cowan spoke highly of Cooper’s involvement with the creation of the league.
“The name that pops into mind about this national women’s league happening is because of the likes of Jan Cooper,” Cowan said to the media in a conference to announce the two marquee players.
“She’s the driver of it, she’s the reason why these two girls (Bowers and Donnellan) are standing here today and why 14 other girls get the opportunity to put on an AFL jumper.”
Cooper said she was overwhelmed by Cowan’s comments.
“There’s been a cast of thousands involved, both paid personnel and volunteers.
“For her to acknowledge my involvement in it was very humbling.”
The national women’s league draft will occur in October, and the inaugural season starts in 2017.