Dear Jame and Gam,
Please let me know when you have received this email and if you understand it.
As you may have seen in my email on Wednesday, the only good technique for getting final presentation videos to me will be using youtube.
Students who are unable to upload their videos can get a friend to help.
In order to make it easier for you, I suggest that we get one volunteer from each row, left and right sides, to collect final projects from the other five students next to them.
Once each helper has the five youtube links and docx files (speech and grading sheet), they can send you an email with the files and links. Then you can send them to me.
I have too many classes to get emails from each group in your class.
I took the seating information I have an put it in this email, below, so you know who is in each row, left and right.
Let's organize this in class this coming Monday. All students must attend, so we can also discuss the midterm presentations and what to do for the final.
Aj. Lars
Seating list per row for final file collection and youtube sharing
Row L/R