tuning methods (Skogestad, 2003; Shamsuzzoha and Lee,2007) are two typical tuning methods. The direct synthe-sis method computes the controller which gives the desiredclosed-loop response to calculate the PID controller param-eters. The IMC-PID tuning rule has only one adjustableparameter which can be calculated by the time constant andtime delay. Several tuning method have been proposed basedon the direct synthesis method and the IMC-PID method forstable and unstable processes with time delay. Wang et al.(2001) proposed the partial internal model control capable ofcontrolling both stable and unstable processes. Oliveira et al.(2009) used the Hermite–Biehler theorem designed PID con-trollers for a class of time delay systems and obtained the setof all stabilizing PID controllers. Shamsuzzoha and Lee (2008)design an advanced PID controller, based on IMC method,which cascaded with a lead-lag compensator for second-orderprocesses with time delay. And the adjusting parameter wasselected for different robustness levels by evaluating the valueof Ms. Rao and Chidambaram (2009) proposed PID controllers