Please ignore my last email with subject line June overdue % for your countries and follow below.
As we are passing 2Q 2014 the requirements to get an early view of our position increases – to that end, I would appreciate it if you could give me a “ballpark” view of the Industrial overdues in your respective countries prior to the official data submission on WD8.
All I need is very quick calculation that gives me either percentage or dollar/local currency value (whichever is the easiest) – also, it doesn’t need to be 100% accurate, I’m just trying to form a rough view of the overall picture.
This isn’t an “official” request; just something that I will use to set expectations to LT in advance of WD8
Also please advise of any Bad Debt w/offs for 2Q all I need is the customer and the amounts.
Please let me have the above no later than 3rd July 2014